Please go to this webpage in order to register for the conference.
Given the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and the evolving situation regarding government regulations and advisories, we have decided that this year’s conference will be virtual. More information will be given October 2nd.
The registration fee before November 25th is 1500 NOK (approximately 137 euros or 150 USD) for academic participants and 600 NOK (approximately 55 Euros or 60 USD) for students.
The registration fee after November 25th and onsite is 1800 NOK (approximately 179 euros or 212 USD) for academic participants and 750 NOK (approximately 75 Euros or 89 USD) for students.
Registration is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper. Papers will be sent to Springer for publication only for registered authors. The deadline for registration is October 16th